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Intentionally and willfully disturbing the peace, creating problems or otherwise disrupting anybody's peaceful use and enjoyment of Online-Sweepstakes.com must and will have consequences. Honest mistakes aren't normally a problem, we all make mistakes, but malicious intent to cause harm, whether it's directed towards the Online-Sweepstakes.com community, staff, web site or any of its members, will result in an immediate banishment for an indefinite period of time and without notice regardless of where any such activity occurs, on the Online-Sweepstakes.com web site or off. This includes the unauthorized use of Online-Sweepstakes.com content (e.g. sweepstakes and contest listings, posts, notes, etc.). OLS membership accounts may also be revoked without notice in any such cases at the sole discretion of the webmaster and owner of Online-Sweepstakes.com.
Although we do attempt to keep objectionable messages off this web site and message board, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither Online Sweepstakes, nor the owner or any of the web site's representatives including administrators, moderators and editors will be held responsible for the content of any message.
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