We’re aware of an issue with the forum’s email system that may have prevented some new users from receiving their registration confirmation email.
If you encounter any issues during registration or do not receive the confirmation email, please feel free to contact us directly for assistance. Here’s how you can reach us:
I’ll assist you personally to ensure your account is activated.
Best regards,
If you encounter any issues during registration or do not receive the confirmation email, please feel free to contact us directly for assistance. Here’s how you can reach us:
- Email:[email protected]
- Facebook:Log into Facebook, FB Group.
- Twitter:x.com.
I’ll assist you personally to ensure your account is activated.
- If you signed up in the past 30 days, there’s a good chance your account has already been activated.
- Try logging in, and if successful, feel free to start posting (don’t forget to introduce yourself in the community!).
Best regards,